Samuel, L.A. "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes"
Shannon, Mem "Spend Some Time With Me"
Sheryl Clapton "Music From Ours Shores"
Shirlee Rose "You Gave Me Wings"
Singing Christians "Silver Edition"
Singing Christians "Grace, Mercy & Love"
Singing Christians "Worship Him"
Sitze Family, The "Livin' in the Real World"
Skaggs Family Records "Big Mon"
Skaggs Family Records "Transatlantic"
Smoke Daddys
Southern Cross "Thirteen Years In the Makin"
Spajazzy "Jazz"
Stafford, Mark "Bird" "Harpspace"
Stall, Rev. Harold "It Is Finished, It is Done"
Stanley Davis "Nice...Nice"
Stationary, The Poets "The Stationary Poets"
Steel, Barbara "This Satin Doll"
Steve Bassett "Part In A Box"
Stone, Elizabeth "You Don't Know That"
Storyville Stompers Band "Feel So Good"
Strange and Beautiful
Sullivan, Jerry and Tammy "Tomorrow"
Sunshine Gospel Singers
Susan Bang "Falling For You"